Once a form has been submitted it will also be automatically sent via any data connectors that have been set up – email, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. There may be times, however, that an admin wishes to resend the form via these connectors manually. Perhaps the data was lost in an email user’s inbox or online storage account, or perhaps someone simply wishes a fresh copy of the submitted form. Re-sending a form for these or any reasons is possible via the following method.

The admin will need to sign onto the web dashboard and navigate to either Feed View or Table View under Data Entries:

In the Data Feed view, identify the desired form submission and click Connector Logs as shown below:

Alternatively, in the Table View, choose the desired form from the drop-down menu in the page navigation header at the top:

On the following page, hover the mouse over the desired submission and click “logs” below the entry details:

At this point the Connector Logs window will be displayed. From here, hover over the Event Date of the desired connector. The link “reschedule” will then be displayed. Clicking this will resend the submitted form over the associated connector to all parties/locations specified in said connector. In the example pictured below, this would be for the Email connector. Perform this same step for any other connectors as desired.

See also:
Form Connectors (category)