Folders are available on the Screens, Docs and Data Sources listing pages in the secure website.

The process to edit a Folder's settings is the same for all, so we'll just use Screens as our example.

  1. In the Screens page (Apps -> Screens), hover over the folder name on the left hand side.
  2. Click the cog icon that appears when you hover.  This will open the "Folder Settings" dialog.
  3. You can now edit the Folder's settings. For instance, you can change the Folder's name as well as add or remove user access restrictions. If the "Restrict User Access" box is ticked, then access permissions for the Folder and its contents will be immediately enforced by the system.
  4. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.

Once saved, your changes will be immediately in effect.
So if access restrictions were changed, or if users or groups were added/removed from the Folder, this will reflect on their app at their device's next synchronization with the platform.